duminică, 1 mai 2011

film si teatru si indragosteala

n-am mai bocit de mult la un film...bine, poate si ptr ca nu m-am mai uitat la filme lately. asta de aseara m-a emotionat bine. never let me go. dupa romanul cu acelasi nume. de care m-am apucat asa timid ieri inainte sa ma uit la film. mi-a placut mai mult bucata citita din carte decat ce era reprodus in film.

si acum am si soundtrack.

am o stare. m-as indragosti...cu fluturasi cu tot.

ieri am fost la teatru. la unatc. studentii pun in scena piese. un loc mic, intim, si frumos. tare frumoasa zi am avut ieri. pe nepusa masa. tot de indragoasteala am dat. de 2 ori chiar. 2 povestiri de cehov.
mi-a placut prima. ursul. nehotararea aia si teama de a recunoaste ce simti..parca da, dar parca nu, ah, dar ce frumos e cand da...

-Nothing, go away. . . No, stop. . . . No, go away, go away! I hate you! Or no. . . . Don't go away! Oh, if you knew how angry I am, how angry I am! [Throws her revolver on the table] My fingers have swollen because of all this. . . . [Tears her handkerchief in temper] What are you waiting for? Get out!


-Yes, yes, go away! . . . [Yells] Where are you going? Stop. . . . No, go away. Oh, how angry I am! Don't come near me, don't come near me!

-[Approaching her] How angry I am with myself! I'm in love like a student, I've been on my knees. . . . [Rudely] I love you! What do I want to fall in love with you for? To-morrow I've got to pay the interest, and begin mowing, and here you. . . . [Puts his arms around her] I shall never forgive myself for this. . . .

-Get away from me! Take your hands away! I hate you! Let's go and fight!

A prolonged kiss.

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